Brighton Boulevard

Denver, Colorado

A gateway to the National Western Center.

  • Placemaking amenities help spur development & economic vibrancy.

  • As the first connected public realm in this part of the city, people can safely travel via bicycle, transit, and walking through thoughtful multi-modal design.

  • The project area extends from 44th Avenue to Race Court and included the design of an iconic new bridge that fits in with the community aesthetic and creates a gateway to the National Western Center Campus.

Dig Studio worked with Wilson and Company, the City, the National Western Center and the Elyria-Swansea community to revitalize Brighton Boulevard, making it a walkable, livable, welcoming avenue of opportunity. The improvements provide a unique and memorable gateway into the National Western Center and north Denver neighborhoods.  Underneath it all, a framework for sustainable stormwater management treats 100% of the street’s runoff. This green infrastructure binds the streetscape together and sets the tone for a state-of-the-art live-work-play and learn environment.

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